Here is a doll that i am making as a gift, one problem, i am not happy with the hands, i dislike the lobster claw hands, and will probably re-do the? They dont look like this from the front or the back, only the side, where its kinda import. Ah the dilemma... to re-do or not to re-do? Do you think it ruins the charm of the doll?
Many Hugs,
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I think they are fine. It adds to the handmade "feel" of the doll. But, if it is all that YOU see when you look at the doll, you may want to change it for your own mental happiness. Either or.
I don't see 'lobster claws' at all! I see darling little hands. She's beautiful!
Oh Thank You both, i am so odd, i'll prolly get the whole doll finished and then decide at the last minute to change her thumbs and then really mess her all up, Ugh i hope not! The way things have been workin' in my life, just exactly that will happen!! Nope , I am not touchin' those thumbs!
We are our own worst critic. I would be honored to receive that doll if I was the giftee. Leave her as is. The hands are included in the love you put into the whole piece.
If you had not pointed out the 'lobster claw' look on her hands, I would not have noticed, and even then I don't think it is
that apparent. Unless they are really, really bothering you - I would leave them.
What a wonderful gift for someone to receive!
I am so odd, that i will do that everytime, point out the flaw in my work! Strange but true! How have you been?
Many Hugs,
i love her, she is beautiful, she is as she is..perfect.
Thanks Angel, I havent been by to visit at your blog in a while, i'll have to stop by and see what you have been doing, as well. Thank You so much!!
Many Hugs,
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